Styles of Therapy & Training

I’m regularly asked what the difference is between various approaches to therapy. There can be a lot of overlap between approaches but I’ve put this brief guide together in...

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A Guide To Change

Sometimes change can be easy, other times a little harder, but either way the following tips will help ensure that you are moving steadily in the right direction. 1)...

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Stress relief

STRESS stress STRESS stress STRESS stress… Stress, if you think about it, is an engineering term. Stress is created by pressure being concentrated against a particular point. The different solutions that are used to make sure...

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Direct suggestion

Above: Direct suggestion. Sometimes we don’t need to try to be too clever and it may be enough to clearly and directly present an idea. An advantage that therapeutic uses...

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Push and pull

Above: Push and pull. The Inception clip raises the notion of experiencing and creating. The example of a film, versus a book, is worth considering- sometimes people don’t like films...

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Above: Interactivity. Being able to interact with the sequence could be hugely beneficial, but this doesn’t just mean through having a physical body in VR- a simple way that it...

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Mixed reality roles

Above: Mixed reality roles. In the Matrix construct scenarios there are four roles: the participant (Neo), the guide (Morpheus), the operator who loads the various sequences and the architect that designs them....

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Environmental incorporation

Above: Environmental incorporation. Given our inability to jack someone straight into the system, we have to contend with potential competition from any realities other than the one that is being deliberately...

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Experiential scaffolding

Above: Experiential scaffolding. At this link some of the commenters points out a similarity to some of the (palliative) scenes at the end of Soylent Green. I’ve already mentioned Matrix Constructs, Clockwork Orange...

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Virtual ethics

Above: Virtual ethics. A nice guideline for the ethical use of virtual situations is provided by the world of magic performance, where it is generally understood that what is being...

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