#4 – Gaming & Virtual Reality with Nikki Lannen & JFL

In this fourth episode of the bodymindself™ podcast psychologist and cognitive scientist John Francis Leader (JFL) meets game developer and virtual reality specialist Nikki Lannen to discuss what’s happening in gaming and the implications of virtual reality.

Nikki Lannen @nikkilannen is the founder and CEO of Warducks @War_Ducks warducks.com, a Dublin based Virtual Reality Studio, and the creators of Sneaky Bears. WarDucks’ mission is to build quality and fun games and experiences for Virtual Reality devices with a special goal of being the most people-centric game development studio in the world.

The bodymindself™ podcast, newly launched in 2017, is an ongoing series of conversations between JFL and others on the topics of applied psychology and cognitive science, experiential learning, perception, virtual and mixed reality, embodiment, mental processes and identification.

The aim of the series is to include the voices of people from very diverse backgrounds, ranging from academia to those working on the frontline in applied fields, with the hope of gaining an even greater systematic understanding of the topics being explored. All references and views expressed are those of the person who expressed them and not necessarily those of JFL.

Your comments, shares, likes and dislikes are very welcome and will help guide future discussions. To stay up to date follow on Twitter, subscribe on SoundCloud or iTunes and visit jfl.com

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  1. Job Simulator game
  2. HTC Vive
  3. Samsung Gear VR
  4. Oculus Rift
  5. Brian Upton
  6. Sneaky Bears game
  7. Sneaky Bears Rollercoaster game
  8. Pokemon GO
  9. Pokemon GO on the bodymindself™ podcast
  10. Keith Barry in the Brookhaven Experiment
  11. Gamification
  12. Mobile Agents game
  13. Enterprise Ireland
  14. 3Dcamp virtual reality meetup group
  15. Virtual Reality Ireland Facebook group
  16. Warducks website
  17. Warducks on Twitter
  18. Warducks on Facebook
  19. Nikki Lannen on Twitter

Your comments, shares, likes and dislikes are very welcome and will help guide future discussions. To stay up to date follow on Twitter, subscribe on SoundCloud or iTunes and visit jfl.com